Now I’m not going to list these as a top 5 because all of these games are worthy of a make and since none of them are real we cannot list them on which will be a better game, however I know you will enjoy this list as much as I enjoyed making it! Please note this is strictly based upon Opinion.
Harry Potter GO
Imagine being able to go around the world to different magic schools and fight other wizards and be in different wizard games like the saga. I think Harry Potter GO could possibly be one of the nerdiest yet coolest games to touch the app stores.

Fallout GO
Now searching the wasteland for weapons, valuable items and fighting death claws on a mobile device would be F***KING AMAZING. Just Imagine playing a game similar to Pokemon go and Fallout 3/4/New Vegas. This game would absolutely smash every game in the competition besides the original GO, Pokemon GO. If they did it, they could animate what’s around you to be seen as the game originally looks on the console, allowing you to experience the full Fallout Experience on your mobile device! God, I wish I had a Nuka Cola right now…

Monster Hunter GO
Now this game I’m fairly new to, however with the concept of this game is mainly hunting monsters for items in order to make weapons or increase a weapons strength, or simply finding items to make Armor. This game would be another great addition to the GO. If you’ve ever played Monster Hunter, imagining it as a GO game with the scenarios would be crazy .. Walking around your city as it’s turned into a dinosaur monster like place on your mobile device. Mind boggling.

Runescape GO
Those of you who played the Original Runescape 2 Servers would be pretty stoked to see this game on this list, now if you’re an MMORPG fan seeing a game like RuneScape being made into a GO game would be mind boggling, literally brain melting. Runescape is still one of the largest MMORPG games in the world with a new RS3 feature that in my opinion is really crappy, however they have added an Old School Server for the veterans that is still amazing. However Training a character and fighting other players and taking their loot on RSGO would be a dope concept as you have to battle monsters to train and spend hours killing them in order to get valuable items to PK. How they would could do it is make the whole world a PvP area and make Stops the Grand Exchange. Weird, cool and out of the box idea but hey why not RuneScape GO! lol
Jade Empire GO
Jade Empire is a forgotten hidden gem from over 10 years ago made by a company that only works on remaking the same crappy games over and over again ( BioWare ) However with Jade Empire it’s just a fairly weird Idea for a GO game. The game is an RPG that literally requires you to travel through Ancient Japan allowing you to experience some amazing sides Japan and the after life. However the way Jade Empire Go could be made is by traveling the world that could be rendered into an Ancient Japan like Scenarios and change to match certain missions you’re on. In search of items, bad people, good people and battle other JE monks and evil doers and also accepting missions from other towns and markets. Which these towns and markets could be made like Poke Stops. It’s a weird concept but if you read up to here I’d have to say I solely put this game here to get the name of Jade Empire out there because I really would love to see this game have a Sequel after 10 years!

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